Becoming Stronger

You can never have enough books.

My journey through the MIRI research guide.

Set Up for Suc­cess: In­sights from ‘Naïve Set The­ory’

Light­ness and Unease

The Art of the Ar­tifi­cial: In­sights from ‘Ar­tifi­cial In­tel­li­gence: A Modern Ap­proach’

The First Rung: In­sights from ‘Lin­ear Alge­bra Done Right’

In­ter­nal­iz­ing In­ter­nal Dou­ble Crux

Con­founded No Longer: In­sights from ‘All of Statis­tics’

Into the Kiln: In­sights from Tao’s ‘Anal­y­sis I’

Swim­ming Up­stream: A Case Study in In­stru­men­tal Rationality

Mak­ing a Differ­ence Tem­pore: In­sights from ‘Re­in­force­ment Learn­ing: An In­tro­duc­tion’

Turn­ing Up the Heat: In­sights from Tao’s ‘Anal­y­sis II’

And My Ax­iom! In­sights from ‘Com­putabil­ity and Logic’

Judg­ment Day: In­sights from ‘Judg­ment in Man­age­rial De­ci­sion Mak­ing’

Con­tin­u­ous Im­prove­ment: In­sights from ‘Topol­ogy’

ODE to Joy: In­sights from ‘A First Course in Or­di­nary Differ­en­tial Equa­tions’

A Ker­nel of Truth: In­sights from ‘A Friendly Ap­proach to Func­tional Anal­y­sis’

Prob­lem re­lax­ation as a tactic

In­sights from Eu­clid’s ‘Ele­ments’

Les­sons I’ve Learned from Self-Teaching

In­sights from Modern Prin­ci­ples of Economics

Do a cost-benefit anal­y­sis of your tech­nol­ogy usage

Look­ing back on my al­ign­ment PhD