Practical Guide to Anthropics

How to do anthropics simply and practically.

If there are no issues of exact copies, or advanced decision theory, and the questions you’re asking aren’t weird, then use SIA. And by “use SIA”, I mean “ignore the definition of SIA, and just do a conventional Bayesian update on your own existence”. Infinite universes won’t be a problem (any more than they are with conventional probabilities). And this might not increase your expected population by much.

An­thropic de­ci­sion the­ory for self-lo­cat­ing beliefs

An­throp­ics: differ­ent prob­a­bil­ities, differ­ent questions

SIA is ba­si­cally just Bayesian up­dat­ing on existence

Non-poi­sonous cake: an­thropic up­dates are normal

An­throp­ics in in­finite universes

The SIA pop­u­la­tion up­date can be sur­pris­ingly small

An­throp­ics and Fermi: grabby, visi­ble, zoo-keep­ing, and early aliens

Prac­ti­cal an­throp­ics summary