Instrumental Rationality

A combination of evidence-backed techniques and more speculative essays, all focused on bringing rationality to practical everday uses. In particular, the sequence features two in-depth primers on the current psychological literature on planning and habits.

In­stru­men­tal Ra­tion­al­ity 1: Start­ing Advice

In­stru­men­tal Ra­tion­al­ity 2: Plan­ning 101

In­stru­men­tal Ra­tion­al­ity 3: In­ter­lude I

In­stru­men­tal Ra­tion­al­ity 4.1: Model­ing Habits

In­stru­men­tal Ra­tion­al­ity 4.2: Creat­ing Habits

In­stru­men­tal Ra­tion­al­ity 4.3: Break­ing Habits and Conclusion

In­stru­men­tal Ra­tion­al­ity 5: In­ter­lude II

In­stru­men­tal Ra­tion­al­ity 6: At­trac­tor Theory

In­stru­men­tal Ra­tion­al­ity 7: Clos­ing Disclaimer

In­stru­men­tal Ra­tion­al­ity: Postmortem