Mysterious Answers

This sequence asks whether science resolves the problems raised so far. Scientists base their models on repeatable experiments, not speculation or hearsay. And science has an excellent track record compared to anecdote, religion, and . . . pretty much everything else. Do we still need to worry about “fake” beliefs, confirmation bias, hindsight bias, and the like when we’re working with a community of people who want to explain phenomena, not just tell appealing stories?

Fake Explanations

Guess­ing the Teacher’s Password

Science as Attire

Fake Causality

Se­man­tic Stopsigns

Mys­te­ri­ous An­swers to Mys­te­ri­ous Questions

The Fu­til­ity of Emergence

Say Not “Com­plex­ity”

Pos­i­tive Bias: Look Into the Dark

Lawful Uncertainty

My Wild and Reck­less Youth

Failing to Learn from History

Mak­ing His­tory Available


“Science” as Cu­ri­os­ity-Stopper

Truly Part Of You

1. Interlude

The Sim­ple Truth