Murphy’s Quest

Everything that can go wrong will go wrong.

Huge props to lifelonglearner for cover art.

Full text available in PDF.

Mur­phy’s Quest Ch 1: Ex­po­sure Therapy

Mur­phy’s Quest Ch 2: Empiricism

Mur­phy’s Quest Ch 3: Murphyjitsu

Mur­phy’s Quest Ch 4: Notic­ing Confusion

Mur­phy’s Quest Ch 5: Fail Gracefully

Mur­phy’s Quest Ch 6: Per­verse Incentives

Mur­phy’s Quest Ch 7: Out­side the Box

Mur­phy’s Quest Ch 8: False Pentachotomy

Mur­phy’s Quest Ch 9: Dou­ble Crux

Mur­phy’s Quest Ch 10: Gears-Like Models

Mur­phy’s Quest Ch 11: Resolve

Mur­phy’s Quest Ch 12: Meta-Contrarianism

Mur­phy’s Quest Ch 13: Ex­is­ten­tial Risk

Mur­phy’s Quest Postmorterm