A Call For Advice:

I’ll start off by introducing myself.

My name is Caleb, I’m currently 14 years old and taking High School. I’m an INTP, I stand 6′2″ tall, and enjoy composing music in my spare time.

Now, the purpose of this post is not to bring new research or ideas to the table from me, (probably going to take a while before that happens), but rather to request it, for a specific project I’m doing.

I’ve been reading LessWrong for about a year and a half now, and in that time I’ve made a multitude of improvements to my life. Since I came here I’ve started meditating, working out regularly, reading a number of books on psychology, and becoming more aware of my own biases. Rationality has become my passion, and I work on it daily.

The Plan

Onto the purpose of this post. On August 4th, I will be turning 15, and I’ve decided to initiate a very large project, which for lack of a better name, I will dub “The Plan”.

I intend to spend the days leading up to my 15th Birthday by taking information from an enormous variety of sources on what life improvements can be made, what skills are most useful, and what areas should be studied, to reach the ultimate goal of gaining as much benefit possible, as quick as possible.

There’s tons of things to consider, even assuming I have a tireless work ethic and can implement this immediately. What types of utility increases are there? Which are more important? Should all time be devoted to the quickest increases in utility, or should energy be set aside for starting some long term goals early? Does it make more sense to improve yourself, so you can make more money? Or to make some money, and use it to improve yourself?

Obviously I’m not going to find a perfect answer, and attempting to plan out my whole life is doomed to fail, but I’d at least like to have a better idea of where to go from here. (Besides, even if I fail, I’ll still have learned a lots of useful information.)

The Question

So, I pose this question to the LessWrong Community:

If you were me, and turning 15, what would you recommend that I do over the next year, to give me the biggest utility bonus the fastest, both in intelligence and wealth?

Hopefully, even if it proves an impossible question, we’ll see some interesting discussion.