PEAR’s Secular Solstice

You are all welcome and invited to PEARs Secular Solstice for this year on December 18th! We would like to welcome both newcomers and old souls to join us. This will be an event full of games, mingling, music, food, and reflection. It is also a potluck and we invite everyone to bring any food they would like to share.

The Solstice Program itself is an opportunity for us to reflect on humanity’s darkest hours and how we might triumph to arrive at a day Brighter Than Today.

5:00 - Doors open
5:00-6:15 - Games, potluck, and community time.
6:15 − 7:15 - Solstice program
7:20 − 9:30 - Games, community time, and food will be available again
9:30 - Doors Close.

If you would like to come we ask two things of you

  1. Spots are limited so please RSVP on Meetup
  2. If you are bringing food to the potluck please, fill out this form

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