LW/​SSC Meetup

UPDATE: unfortunately, Aumann’s Agreement Theorem has to be postponed to the next meetup. I will prepare questions and material for open exchange instead.

Hi all,

In our ongoing effort to revive regular LW meetups in Munich, you are warmly invited to Lukas’ living community’s kitchen for our next meetup on Saturday afternoon and evening, October 13.

As last time Felix could not present Aumann’s Agreement Theorem, he will do so this time. It is a mathematical theorem whose statement is (informally) “If rational people A and B have the same prior and their posteriors are ‘common knowledge’ amongst them, then they cannot agree to disagree about these posteriors”. We will analyze what this means, and discuss in what ways real people fail to achieve this ideal situation of perfect agreement.

If you are interested in coming or at least contemplate it, please mail lw1 @ lplatz.de or joint this event, so we can plan and alert you if we have to change the venue.

Lukas prepares food to satisfy the hunger, brought snacks are always welcome. In case of good weather, we might move into the garden. If you cannot make it there will be another meetup in November.

Hope to see you soon,
Lukas & Felix

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