January Social Meetup – Time Out Market Chicago (1/​21 @ 4 PM)

For this month’s social meetup/​get-together, we’re going to try something different and meet at Time Out Market Chicago (1/​21 @ 4 PM), essentially a fancy food court, with plenty of seating for us to hang out. Also, sign-up to share your knowledge (lightning talk) or an interesting topic for discussion (lightning discussion) for the February meetup: https://​​forms.gle/​​v83m9YUMEGo2zEcZ7

We’ll meet next Sunday, January 21 starting at 4 PM. All are welcome, whether you’ve come to a meetup before or not.

Todd and/​or Shane will be there starting at 4, but feel free to arrive whenever. Feel free to message us in the Discord (https://​​discord.gg/​​eDHq3TXrH3).

916 W Fulton Market, Chicago, IL 60607

Also, as a general reminder, we have a calendar for events:

General: https://​​calendar.google.com/​​calendar/​​embed?src=info%40chicagorationality.com&ctz=America%2FChicago
iCal (e.g for iOS): https://​​calendar.google.com/​​calendar/​​ical/​​info%40chicagorationality.com/​​public/​​basic.ics

We hope to see you there!

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