A Day Without Defaults

Author’s note: this post was written on Sunday, Oct. 19th. Its sequel will be written on Sunday, Oct. 27th.

Last night, I went to bed content with a fun and eventful weekend gone by. This morning, I woke up, took a shower, did my morning exercises, and began eat breakfast before making the commute up to work.

At the breakfast table, though, I was surprised to learn that it was Sunday, not Monday. I had misremembered what day it was and in fact had an entire day ahead of me with nothing on the agenda. At first, this wasn’t very interesting, but then I started thinking. What to do with an entirely free day, without any real routine?

I realized that I didn’t particularly know what to do, so I decided that I would simply live a day without defaults. At each moment of the day, I would act only in accordance with my curiosity and genuine interest. If I noticed myself becoming bored, disinterested, or otherwise less than enthused about what was going on, I would stop doing it.

What I found was quite surprising. I spent much less time doing routine activities like reading the news and browsing discussion boards, and much more time doing things that I’ve “always wanted to get around to”—meditation, trying out a new exercise routine, even just spending some time walking around outside and relaxing in the sun.

Further, this seemed to actually make me more productive. When I sat down to get some work done, it was because I was legitimately interested in finishing my work and curious as to whether I could use a new method I had thought up in order to solve it. I was able to resolve something that’s been annoying me for a while in much less time than I thought it would take.

By the end of the day, I started thinking “is there any reason that I don’t spend every day like this?” As far as I can tell, there isn’t really. I do have a few work tasks that I consider relatively uninteresting, but there are multiple solutions to that problem that I suspect I can implement relatively easily.

My plan is to spend the next week doing the same thing that I did today and then report back. I’m excited to let you all know what I find!