[Question] What does “probability” really mean?

Recently I read Wei Dai’s “What Are Probabilities, Anyway?” post, and just wanted to see if the LessWrong community has now reached a consensus on the interpretation of probability. I am of the impression that most LWers endorse multiverse theories, whether it be the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics or the more radical Mathematical Universe Hypothesis by Max Tegmark. In both these cases, there exists additional worlds where all possible outcome occur (though the MWI is only restricted to “possible outcomes” that fit our current physics). An interpretation that many people seems to prefer is that all possible worlds are real and probability acts as a kind of normative “measure of caring” instead of a type of “objective reality-fluid”, but I have my reservations about this. I’d love to hear the community’s opinion on this today and whether or not there has been any new progress.