[Question] Are there any preventive steps someone can take after being exposed to strep throat?

Googling this question tells me that the best way to avoid strep is by washing your hands often. But say, hypothetically, that someone’s girlfriend has told him that she has strep the day before Valentine’s Day. Knowing he’ll be exposed, are there any steps he should take to reduce the chance and severity of infection? (His hypothetical tonsils were removed long ago). Since this person is hypothetical, advice to avoid his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day will not reach him.

For example, for COVID, there are reasons to think that taking Zinc lozenges (https://​​www.lesswrong.com/​​posts/​​5DKqK3hEzzBoGF47C/​​consider-taking-zinc-every-time-you-travel) and vitamin D (https://​​astralcodexten.substack.com/​​p/​​covidvitamin-d-much-more-than-you ) might help. Strep throat is not a respiratory virus, but rather a bacterial infection, so does the same advice apply? Or are there other things that seem promising to try? Antibiotics are a natural thought, but is taking antibiotics before any sign of infection reasonable? And if so, would a doctor even prescribe preventatively?