A map of LWers—find members of the community living near you.

There seems to be a lot of enthusiasm around LessWrong meetups, so I thought something like this might be interesting too. There is no need to register—just add your marker and keep an eye out for someone living near you.

Here’s the link: https://​​www.zeemaps.com/​​map?group=1323143

I posted this on an Open Thread first. Below are some observations based on the previous discussion:

When creating a new marker you will be given a special URL you can use to edit it later. If you lose it, you can create a new one and ask me to delete the old marker. Try not to lose it though.

If someone you tried to contact is unreachable, notify me and I’ll delete the marker in order to keep the map tidy. Also, try to keep your own marker updated.

It was suggested that it would be a good idea to circulate the map around survey time. I’ll try to remind everyone to update their markers around that time. Any major changes (e.g. changing admin, switching services, remaking the map to eliminate dead markers) will also happen then.

The map data can be exported by anyone, so there’s no need to start over if I disappear or whatever.

Edit: Please, you have to make it possible to contact you. If you choose to use a name that doesn’t match your LW account, you have to add an email address or equivalent. If you don’t do that, it is assumed that the name on the marker is your username here, but if it isn’t you are essentially unreachable and will be removed.