[Question] How can I determine that Elicit is not some weak AGI’s attempt at taking over the world ?

I read two days ago the Elicit presentation post, and as I have been reading intensely about AI safety lately, I was wondering this question : What are the tools and techniques you would use right now to determine that the current Elicit research assistant is a safe AI ?

What is described in the post is a narrow AI that will and does fail in obvious ways if it is not aligned. But how would you know it is not a small and limited AGI, aligned or not ?

I suppose that if the Elicit research assistant is currently an AGI, however how limited, its best course of action would be to pretend to be a narrow AI helping researchers in their goal of doing research. I imagine that it would get better chances of not being replaced by a new version and to get more upgrades and computing resources as the Elicit product develops.

So I was wondering, is this obviously dumb that this exact system as seen by Elicit users cannot ever be an AGI, even in the future ? If you had right now real suspicions it could be an AGI, apart from first making sure it is stopped, how would you try to determine whether it is an AGI ?