LW Update 2018-07-18 – AlignmentForum Bug Fixes

Git commit: 882df0fe53f3c2bb04fac76d5b631f32cab28b1b


  • If a non-AlignmentForum member’s post gets moved to AlignmentForum, they can now comment on that post.

  • Fixed the bug on LessWrong where canceling a vote on a non-AF post briefly showed a flicker of AF karma.


  • Previously we only had a single “sticky” option for posts, which meant it was slightly awkward when we wanted to sticky things in either the Meta forum, or AlignmentForum. Meta and AF now have their own sticky setting.

Form Group Styling

  • Form Groups (such as editing your user profile, or the moderation settings for high karma users) are a little easier to parse now.

There have been a few more performance improvements for long comment threads.