Causal graphs and counterfactuals

A problem that’s come up with my definitions of stratification.

Consider a very simple causal graph:


In this setting, and are both booleans, and with probability (independently about whether or ).

Suppose I now want to compute the counterfactual: suppose I assume that when . What would happen if instead?

The problem is that seems insufficient to solve this. Let’s imagine the process that outputs as a probabilistic mix of functions, that takes the value of and outputs that of . There are four natural functions here:

Then one way of modelling the causal graph is as a mix . In that case, knowing that when implies that , so if , we know that .

But we could instead model the causal graph as . In that case, knowing that when implies that and . So if , with probability and with probability .

And we can design the node , physically, to be one or another of the two distributions over functions or anything in between (the general formula is for ). But it seems that the causal graph does not capture that.

Owain Evans has said that Pearl has papers covering these kinds of situations, but I haven’t been able to find them. Does anyone know any publications on the subject?