However, it is worth emphasising that you have provided little evidence with your writing that the actual ideas coming from peak experiences are worth much. You have provided a great deal of indication that the motivational aspect of these ideas is useful, though.
You may be right. I will have to think about this. A lot of the imperative ideas (“Go do this!”) that I’ve had while manic have had decidedly positive results—notably my bike trip to Georgia and the decision to devote a lot more of my time and mental energy to mathematics, founding the communal house I currently live in, but I’m going to have to try and remember some concrete examples of declarative ideas that have come to me in that state before I continue to make that claim.
You may be right. I will have to think about this. A lot of the imperative ideas (“Go do this!”) that I’ve had while manic have had decidedly positive results—notably my bike trip to Georgia and the decision to devote a lot more of my time and mental energy to mathematics, founding the communal house I currently live in, but I’m going to have to try and remember some concrete examples of declarative ideas that have come to me in that state before I continue to make that claim.
BTW, I must say I would love to hear about the founding of this communal house, even if this isn’t necessarily the place for it.