LessWrong Now Has Dark Mode

One of the more commonly requested features on LessWrong is a dark mode. Well, now we have it! To activate, hover over the user-menu in the top right, open the Themes submenu, and click on Dark Mode there.


  • This feature is beta, by which I mean there may be aesthetic problems, especially in less-used areas of the site. Please give feedback in the comments here. Hopefully there is no black-on-black text anywhere, but this is the sort of thing that could happen, so if you do come across any then please report it.

  • You need to be logged in to pick a theme, for UI reasons (the theme-select option is in the user menu because there wasn’t a good place to put it). If you log in, switch to dark mode, and then log back out, it will remember your choice, though, so you don’t have to stay logged in if you don’t want.

  • Posts that use custom colors will mostly have their colors overridden to defaults, to prevent black-on-black text. We do have a way to provide dark-mode overrides for specific custom colors which we’ve used on a few specific posts. If there are important historical posts with black-on-black problems, or which use custom colors in an important way that didn’t come through, please let me know in the comments here and I’ll try to fix it.

  • For technical reasons, we don’t inherit the operating system dark-mode preference. Let us know in the comments if this is important to you and we might prioritize it.