preference “my decisions should be mine”—and many people seems to have it
Fair. I’m not sure how to formalize this, though—to my intuition it seems confused in roughly the same way that the concept of free will is confused. Do you have a way to formalize what this means?
(In the absence of a compelling deconfusion of what this goal means, I’d be wary of hacking epistemics in defense of it.)
There are “friends” who claim to have the same goals as me, but later turns out that they have hidden motives.
Agreed and agreed that there’s a benefit to removing their affordance to exploit you. That said, why does this deserve more attention than the inverse case (there are parties you do not trust who later turn out to have benign motives)?
“preference “my decisions should be mine”—and many people seems to have it”
I think it could be explained by social games. A person whose decision are unmovable are more likely to dominate eventually and by demostrating inflexibility a person pretends to have higher status. Also the person escapes any possible exploits, playing game of chicken preventively.
If I have preference “my decisions should be mine”—and many people seems to have it—then letting taxi driver decide is not ok.
There are “friends” who claim to have the same goals as me, but later turns out that they have hidden motives.
Fair. I’m not sure how to formalize this, though—to my intuition it seems confused in roughly the same way that the concept of free will is confused. Do you have a way to formalize what this means?
(In the absence of a compelling deconfusion of what this goal means, I’d be wary of hacking epistemics in defense of it.)
Agreed and agreed that there’s a benefit to removing their affordance to exploit you. That said, why does this deserve more attention than the inverse case (there are parties you do not trust who later turn out to have benign motives)?
“preference “my decisions should be mine”—and many people seems to have it”
I think it could be explained by social games. A person whose decision are unmovable are more likely to dominate eventually and by demostrating inflexibility a person pretends to have higher status. Also the person escapes any possible exploits, playing game of chicken preventively.