I do share your opinion on the Sutton and Barto, which is the only book I read from your list (except a bit of the Russell and Norvig, but not the RL chapter). Notably, I took a lot of time to study the action value methods, only to realise later that a lot of recent work focus instead of policy-gradient methods (even if actor critics do use action-values).
From your answer and Rohin’s, I gather that we lack a good resource in Deep RL, at least of the kind useful for AI Safety researchers. It makes me even more curious of the kind of knowledge that would be treated in such a resource.
Thanks for the in-depth answer!
I do share your opinion on the Sutton and Barto, which is the only book I read from your list (except a bit of the Russell and Norvig, but not the RL chapter). Notably, I took a lot of time to study the action value methods, only to realise later that a lot of recent work focus instead of policy-gradient methods (even if actor critics do use action-values).
From your answer and Rohin’s, I gather that we lack a good resource in Deep RL, at least of the kind useful for AI Safety researchers. It makes me even more curious of the kind of knowledge that would be treated in such a resource.