Many-Worlds Interpretation and Death with Dignity

The Many-Worlds Interpretation is an interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, that says that the wave function never collapses—every possible universe exists, every quantum coin flip falls both ways. As far as I’m aware, this interpretation is usually (a) regarded to be just a philosophical interpretation, with no practical effect on the physical world, and (b) is usually believed to be false.

But there is a world in which we would all be convinced that this interpretation is correct. Imagine that tomorrow a paper comes out, and it says that actually, the LHC should have killed us all. Colliding protons at the speed and quantity that the LHC does should create an average of 1.2 black holes capable of destroying the planet every month. But the LHC has been running, colliding a billion protons per second for years, and we are still here. Say that paper has been peer-reviewed, the math checked and rechecked, mini black holes created up to the point where they would actually destroy the earth, etcetera. What would this mean? It would mean the Many-Worlds Interpretation is reality, and that we are only alive thanks to there existing an incredibly improbable universe—some universe from the infinite universes—where all the quantum flips came in our favor, and we are there, still alive.

So the Many-Worlds Interpretation should eventually reveal itself as correct in any universe (in this case, multiverse) where the probabilistic tendency in any given universe is for humanity to die out. Or in other words, any universe with a great filter. Is our universe such a universe?

What does Eliezer think? He just made a post called Death with Dignity. He believes, it is incredibly likely, 99.9%+ likely, that humanity will soon die out because of AI. I may not personally agree with this assessment, but from his perspective, if 50 years pass and humanity is still here, this should make him update significantly whatever his current belief is in the different interpretations of quantum mechanics. The same goes for anyone else who believes humanity is faced with a nearly impassable great filter.

Well, but, it would be annoying to wait to become convinced that this interpretation is correct. Is there anyone who has made predictions like these in the past? Have there ever been doomsayers? Interestingly, yes. How many intelligent people, in the peak of the cold war, believed with high certainty we would be extinct by now? Any one of them still alive should update in favor of the Many-Worlds Interpretation. How many nuclear close calls have we had? How many more we don’t know about? And how likely was each of them to resolve as nicely as they did? I don’t know, but I would be interested in an in-depth analysis by an expert.

I’m a lurker inspired by the “recent changes” to make a post (as intended!), suggestions and comments would be much appreciated.