(1) In general it’s a good habit to always close the door with the key to look it from the outside.
It prevents you from forgetting your key at home. It also looks the door.
In case you are still left with the specifc question, write a Evernote note via the mobile phone verify that you looked it.
In case where the conversation is imporatant and you don’t want to disturb it’s flow: Make a gesture with two finger. Connect thumb and forefinger of the left hand and keep it connected till you have time to write something down.
Otherwise just say: “I think what you said about the book is really interesting, I don’t want to forget it so I want to write it down.
Carrying index cards and a pen is also a possibility if you want to make a point to avoid taking out the phone.
(3) Store knowledge in Anki. Put it post it on the fridge.
(5) Verbally rehearse the presentaion out loud till you are okay with it.
(6) Anki Once card [1st three digits] Second Card [2nd three digits] Third Card [3rd three digits] Forth Card [4th three digits
(7) Stand up and write the information on a whiteboard. Writing down the information means that your brain can let it go and you can get easier to sleep. I don’t think there a reason to keep the eyes closed.
(9) Anki. Try to organise information into very basic champs and put that information into Anki.
(1) In general it’s a good habit to always close the door with the key to look it from the outside. It prevents you from forgetting your key at home. It also looks the door.
In case you are still left with the specifc question, write a Evernote note via the mobile phone verify that you looked it.
(2) In case where the conversation is imporatant and you don’t want to disturb it’s flow: Make a gesture with two finger. Connect thumb and forefinger of the left hand and keep it connected till you have time to write something down.
Otherwise just say: “I think what you said about the book is really interesting, I don’t want to forget it so I want to write it down.
Carrying index cards and a pen is also a possibility if you want to make a point to avoid taking out the phone.
(3) Store knowledge in Anki. Put it post it on the fridge.
(5) Verbally rehearse the presentaion out loud till you are okay with it.
(6) Anki Once card [1st three digits] Second Card [2nd three digits] Third Card [3rd three digits] Forth Card [4th three digits
(7) Stand up and write the information on a whiteboard. Writing down the information means that your brain can let it go and you can get easier to sleep. I don’t think there a reason to keep the eyes closed.
(9) Anki. Try to organise information into very basic champs and put that information into Anki.