I’m opening an incubator called Refine for conceptual alignment research in London, which will be hosted by Conjecture. The program is a three-month fully-paid fellowship for helping aspiring independent researchers find, formulate, and get funding for new conceptual alignment research bets, ideas that are promising enough to try out for a few months to see if they have more potential.
The form at this link <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdU5IXFCUlVfwACGKAmoO2DAbh24IQuaRIgd9vgd1X8x5f3EQ/closedform> says “The form Refine Incubator Application is no longer accepting responses.
Try contacting the owner of the form if you think this is a mistake.”
so I suggested changing the parts where it says to sign up, to a note about applications not being accepted anymore.