Since last ping on the issue 22 days have passed which itself was about the same time. Now the final challenge is curated. Explaining why the rejection happened and signing off for that day seems like good and reasonable exercise upkeeping. Saying that one would get back to it and never getting back to it provides a false sense that things can be talked out. Setting and defining a bar is fine but not explaining discrepancies in the application of the standard leaves room that it is not actually followed but just a namesake.
What does “committing to run an activity” mean? I have developed a sense that I should go over jacobjacobs post history and link this event to all promises to “commit to run” and promises to reply as relevant data.
If replying proper would be too hard communicating that a reply is being formed later than anticipated or that willingness to reply has vaned would warm a lot. Other activity and reflection on the babble challenge has been going on. Ghosting people doesn’t make for a environment that allows people to open up.
Quick note: I’ve had this in my todo, but been very busy with other stuff. It is my intention to get back to it. Sorry about the delay, would have been better to post an update soon as I expected it would be delayed.
Since last ping on the issue 22 days have passed which itself was about the same time. Now the final challenge is curated. Explaining why the rejection happened and signing off for that day seems like good and reasonable exercise upkeeping. Saying that one would get back to it and never getting back to it provides a false sense that things can be talked out. Setting and defining a bar is fine but not explaining discrepancies in the application of the standard leaves room that it is not actually followed but just a namesake.
What does “committing to run an activity” mean? I have developed a sense that I should go over jacobjacobs post history and link this event to all promises to “commit to run” and promises to reply as relevant data.
If replying proper would be too hard communicating that a reply is being formed later than anticipated or that willingness to reply has vaned would warm a lot. Other activity and reflection on the babble challenge has been going on. Ghosting people doesn’t make for a environment that allows people to open up.
Quick note: I’ve had this in my todo, but been very busy with other stuff. It is my intention to get back to it. Sorry about the delay, would have been better to post an update soon as I expected it would be delayed.
(replied above)