Any advice on how to set one up? In particular how to add entries to it retrospectively—I was thinking about searching the comments database for things like “I intend to”, “guard against”, “publication bias” etc. and manually find the relevant ones. This is somewhat laborious, but the effect I want to avoid is “oh I’ve just finished my write-up (or am just about to), now I’ll go and add the original comment to the anti-publication bias registry”.
On the other hand it seems like anyone can safely add anyone else’s comment to the registry as long as it’s close enough in time to when the comment was written.
Any advice? (I figured if you’re involved at CFAR you might know a bit about this stuff).
Not that I know of, but that does sound quite awesome.
I look forward to meeting you, Giles!
Any advice on how to set one up? In particular how to add entries to it retrospectively—I was thinking about searching the comments database for things like “I intend to”, “guard against”, “publication bias” etc. and manually find the relevant ones. This is somewhat laborious, but the effect I want to avoid is “oh I’ve just finished my write-up (or am just about to), now I’ll go and add the original comment to the anti-publication bias registry”.
On the other hand it seems like anyone can safely add anyone else’s comment to the registry as long as it’s close enough in time to when the comment was written.
Any advice? (I figured if you’re involved at CFAR you might know a bit about this stuff).
A reasonable assumption, but alas, false! I don’t think I have anything useful to add to this. Sorry!