Competence in experts: summary

Just giving a short table-summary of an article by James Shanteau on which areas and tasks experts developed a good intuition—and which ones they didn’t. Though the article is old, the results seem to be in agreement with more recent summaries, such as Kahneman and Klein’s. The heart of the article was a decomposition of characteristics (for professions and for tasks within those professions) where we would expert experts to develop good performance:

Good performance Poor performance

Static stimuli

Decisions about things

Experts agree on stimuli

More predictable problems

Some errors expected

Repetitive tasks

Feedback available

Objective analysis available

Problem decomposable

Decision aids common

Dynamic (changeable) stimuli

Decisions about behavior

Experts disagree on stimuli

Less predictable problems

Few errors expected

Unique tasks

Feedback unavailable

Subjective analysis only

Problem not decomposable

Decision aids rare

I do feel that this may go some way to explaining the expert’s performance here.