Meetup : Seattle Secular Solstice

Discussion article for the meetup : Seattle Secular Solstice

WHEN: 10 December 2016 04:00:00PM (-0800)

WHERE: 114 Alaskan Way S, Seattle, Washington 98104

A night to gather and celebrate humanity, warmth, knowledge and progress, the solstice is an annual tradition full of songs, stories, laughter, light and beauty. This is an opportunity for Seattlites to come together for an experience that makes us feel more connected to community, our world, and what it means to be alive.

The beginning activities will be focused on fun and celebration, getting to know each other and playing games. The rest of the evening follow the arc of the solstice itself—thematically moving from light to dark to light again. It will begin with bright and festive energy while we focus on the ingenuity that allowed humanity to turn the winter from a season historically known for fear and deprivation and into a time of promise, plenty and warmth.

See Facebook event for more details:


Discussion article for the meetup : Seattle Secular Solstice