Meetup : Durham/​RTLW HPMoR discussion, ch. 61-63

Discussion article for the meetup : Durham/​RTLW HPMoR discussion, ch. 61-63

WHEN: 04 May 2013 12:30:00PM (-0400)

WHERE: 726 Rigsbee Avenue, Durham NC 27701

Meet up at Fullsteam to discuss HPMoR chapters 61-63! (Warning: this is only 3 chapters, but 63 is pretty substantial. Beware the planning fallacy, hyperbolic discounting, etc.) ;)

If you feel like reading ch. 64, this is probably the week to do it—we probably won’t include it in the Official Reading.

Bring food and coffee as you feel moved.

Sign up for the mailing list (http://​​​​group/​​rtlw) and let us know you’ll join us!

Discussion article for the meetup : Durham/​RTLW HPMoR discussion, ch. 61-63