Welcome to Norfolk Rationalists [Hampton Roads, Virginia]


The meetups I organize are open to all, and unless mentioned otherwise are focused on building a social group and community in the area. You do not need special skills nor background familiarity to attend these meetups, if it seems like something you’d be interested in please don’t hesitate to show up, we welcome all at our main (social) meetups!

If there are enough group members and meetup attendees, and enough interest in specific ideas then I’m happy to organize smaller more focused on something specific /​ productive kinds of meetups and events.

Each social meetup will include 1 or 2 suggested readings so that we can have a common shared topic to start from, but meandering as far as our interests take us is welcome!

Note that even if you are only interested in smaller, specific /​ focused meetups, it is strategically beneficial to build up a social rationalist community in your area, because that’s where such groups and events typically draw from. Thus, if you don’t want to attend social meetups here, please still reach out to me so I can connect you with anyone else who may share your same interest in the area, if they are available and willing.

For a little more info about me and this area, please see this post or click on my profile.

We have a google group! Norfolk Rationalists: norfolk-rationalists@googlegroups.com Join so that you can receive a calendar invite for any scheduled meetups.
