Longtermism [feat. Kurzgesagt Waterloo & EA Waterloo]

[Edit: thanks to the 10 of you who made it out, especially the new people from EA Waterloo and Kurzgesagt Waterloo!]


We have a new location for our meetup spot, now that the accursed scourge of winter is nipping at our heels! Meet inside The Shops at Waterloo Town Square, I will be at one of the three long benches in the centre of the long walkway, look for an Asian gal in white boots. [1]

We’ll hang out for half an hour there to catch latecomers, then go get food, and then walk to my apartment nearby and hang out in the amenity room.

Topic & Readings

This week we talk about longtermism, a fascinating view that seemed to have emerged out of the effective altruism movement over the past decade.

We will discuss two recent Kurzgesagt videos:

The Last Human—A Glimpse Into the Far Future

Is Civilization on the Brink of Collapse?

For bonus marks, read the introduction to longtermism from the effective altruism website.

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