Meetup : Durham/​RTLW HPMoR discussion, ch. 79-81

Discussion article for the meetup : Durham/​RTLW HPMoR discussion, ch. 79-81

WHEN: 10 August 2013 12:00:00PM (-0400)

WHERE: 726 Rigsbee Avenue, Durham NC, 27701

Discussion of HPMoR 79-81 will occur at Fullsteam on Saturday 810.

We’ll gather around 12 and discuss from 12:30 til 2, or whenever we run out of things to say (whichever comes first.)

Feel free to bring non-brewery comestibles (i.e., coffee and lunch/​brunch/​breakfast.)

Discussion article for the meetup : Durham/​RTLW HPMoR discussion, ch. 79-81