Meetup : LW-cologne Meetup

Discussion article for the meetup : LW-cologne Meetup

WHEN: 13 June 2015 05:00:00PM (+0200)

WHERE: Mareinwe 43, 50858 Köln

Hi everyone,

time for our monthly meetup again. I decided not to change the date, since there seemed to be mixed preferences for June (Martin 2nd weekend, Mimi 1st weekend) and noone is permanently unavaiable on the 2nd weekend. Thus I think it may be better to keep the “tradition”. Mimi if you are (semi)permanent unavaiable on the 2nd weekend, please tell me. My place, 5pm as usual. Food: Probably grill in the garden with some basics and whatever you bring, depends on my time budget during next week.

Discussion article for the meetup : LW-cologne Meetup