Meetup : Weekly Chicago Meetups

Discussion article for the meetup : Weekly Chicago Meetups

WHEN: 14 April 2012 01:00:00PM (-0500)

WHERE: 360 N Michigan Ave, Chicago IL

The Chicago LW meetup group is now meeting every week, Saturdays at 1pm, at the Corner Bakery on the corner of Michigan & Wacker.

Topic for this week’s discussion: What have you changed your mind about? Think of some examples of things you have changed your mind about (recently or long ago), and be ready to discuss them. Discussion can flow from there to topics that are raised & the process of changing one’s mind.

We’re trying to transition from unstructured discussions to more focused meetups. Join the mailing list and share ideas on the google doc to help plan future meetups.

Discussion article for the meetup : Weekly Chicago Meetups