Harry Pot­ter and the Meth­ods of Rationality

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality is a Harry Potter rational fanfic by Eliezer Yudkowsky, AI researcher and decision theorist. The book is also available in audiobook version here.

This is an Alternate Universe story, where Petunia married a scientist. Now Rationalist!Harry enters the wizarding world armed with Enlightenment ideals and the experimental spirit.

The Meth­ods of Rationality

Harry: You can’t DO that!

Minerva McGonagall: It’s only a transfiguration; an animagus transformation, to be exact—

Harry: You turned into a cat! A SMALL cat! You violated Conservation of Energy! That’s not just an arbitrary rule – rejecting it destroys unitarity and then you get FTL signaling! And cats are COMPLICATED! How can you go on thinking using a cat-sized brain?

Minerva: Magic.

Harry: Magic isn’t enough to do that! You’d have to be a god!

—Harry’s first encounter with magic

Chap­ter 1: A Day of Very Low Probability

Chap­ter 2: Every­thing I Believe is False

Chap­ter 3: Com­par­ing Real­ity To Its Alternatives

Chap­ter 4: The Effi­cient Mar­ket Hypothesis

Chap­ter 5: The Fun­da­men­tal At­tri­bu­tion Error

Chap­ter 6: The Plan­ning Fallacy

Chap­ter 7: Reciprocation

Chap­ter 8: Pos­i­tive Bias

Chap­ter 9: Ti­tle Redacted, Part 1

Chap­ter 10: Self Aware­ness, Part II

Chap­ter 11: Omake Files 1, 2, 3

Chap­ter 12: Im­pulse Control

Chap­ter 13: Ask­ing the Wrong Questions

Chap­ter 14: The Un­known and the Unknowable

Chap­ter 15: Conscientiousness

Chap­ter 16: Lat­eral Thinking

Chap­ter 17: Lo­cat­ing the Hypothesis

Chap­ter 18: Dom­i­nance Hierarchies

Chap­ter 19: De­layed Gratification

Chap­ter 20: Bayes’s Theorem

Chap­ter 21: Rationalization

2: HJPEV and the Pro­fes­sor’s Games

“Hey, did you think going to the Moon was easy? Be glad this just involves changing your mind sometimes, and not a human sacrifice!”

“Human sacrifice would be way easier!”

There was a slight pause, and then the figure nodded. “Fair point.”

- Harry and Draco discuss learning science

Chap­ter 22: The Scien­tific Method

Chap­ter 23: Belief in Belief

Chap­ter 24: Machi­avel­lian In­tel­li­gence Hypothesis

Chap­ter 25: Hold Off on Propos­ing Solutions

Chap­ter 26: Notic­ing Confusion

Chap­ter 27: Empathy

Chap­ter 28: Reductionism

Chap­ter 29: Ego­cen­tric Bias

Chap­ter 30: Work­ing in Group, Pt 1

Chap­ter 31: Work­ing in Groups, Pt 2

Chap­ter 32: In­ter­lude: Per­sonal Fi­nan­cial Management

Chap­ter 33: Co­or­di­na­tion Prob­lems, Pt 1

Chap­ter 34: Co­or­di­na­tion Prob­lems, Pt 2

Chap­ter 35: Co­or­di­na­tion Prob­lems, Pt 3

Chap­ter 36: Sta­tus Differentials

Chap­ter 37: In­ter­lude: Cross­ing the Boundary

3: HJPEV and the Shad­ows of Death

Professor Flitwick had silently passed Harry a folded parchment during Charms class that Monday, and the note had said that Harry was to visit the Headmaster at his convenience and in such fashion that no one else would notice, especially not Draco Malfoy or Professor Quirrell. His one-time password for the gargoyle would be “squeamish ossifrage”. This had been accompanied by a remarkably artistic ink drawing of Professor Flitwick staring at him sternly, the eyes of which occasionally blinked; and at the bottom of the note, underlined three times, was the phrase DON’T GET INTO TROUBLE.

Chap­ter 38: The Car­di­nal Sin

Chap­ter 39: Pre­tend­ing to be Wise, Pt 1

Chap­ter 40: Pre­tend­ing to be Wise, Pt 2

Chap­ter 41: Frontal Override

Chap­ter 42: Courage

Chap­ter 43: Hu­man­ism, Pt 1

Chap­ter 44: Hu­man­ism, Pt 2

Chap­ter 45: Hu­man­ism, Pt 3

Chap­ter 46: Hu­man­ism, Pt 4

Chap­ter 47: Per­son­hood Theory

Chap­ter 48: Utili­tar­ian Priorities

Chap­ter 49: Prior Information

Chap­ter 50: Self Centeredness

Chap­ter 51: Ti­tle Redacted, Pt 1

Chap­ter 52: The Stan­ford Pri­son Ex­per­i­ment, Pt 2

Chap­ter 53: The Stan­ford Pri­son Ex­per­i­ment, Pt 3

Chap­ter 54: The Stan­ford Pri­son Ex­per­i­ment, Pt 4

Chap­ter 55: The Stan­ford Pri­son Ex­per­i­ment, Pt 5

Chap­ter 56: TSPE, Con­strained Optimization

Chap­ter 57: TSPE, Con­strained Cog­ni­tion, Pt 7

Chap­ter 58: TSPE, Con­strained Cog­ni­tion, Pt 8

Chap­ter 59: TSPE, Cu­ri­os­ity, Pt 9

Chap­ter 60: The Stan­ford Pri­son Ex­per­i­ment, Pt 10

Chap­ter 61: TSPE, Se­crecy and Open­ness, Pt 11

Chap­ter 62: The Stan­ford Pri­son Ex­per­i­ment, Final

Chap­ter 63: TSPE, Aftermaths

4: HJG and the Phoenix’s Call

If you’re five hours past your bedtime and still reading this, may I suggest getting some sleep? The fic will still be here tomorrow… unless, you know, something bad happens to it and the next morning there’s just a 404 at this address and you’re left with nothing but a fading memory and an eternal regret that you didn’t stay awake longer and keep reading while you still had the chance… but hey, how probable is that?

Chap­ter 64: Omake Files 4, Alter­nate Parallels

Chap­ter 65: Con­ta­gious Lies

Chap­ter 66: Self Ac­tu­al­iza­tion, Pt 1

Chap­ter 67: Self Ac­tu­al­iza­tion, Pt 2

Chap­ter 68: Self Ac­tu­al­iza­tion, Pt 3

Chap­ter 69: Self Ac­tu­al­iza­tion, Pt 4

Chap­ter 70: Self Ac­tu­al­iza­tion, Pt 5

Chap­ter 71: Self Ac­tu­al­iza­tion, Pt 6

Chap­ter 72: SA, Plau­si­ble De­ni­a­bil­ity, Pt 7

Chap­ter 73: SA, The Sa­cred and the Mun­dane, Pt 8

Chap­ter 74: SA, Es­ca­la­tion of Con­flicts, Pt 9

Chap­ter 75: Self Ac­tu­al­iza­tion Fi­nal, Responsibility

Chap­ter 76: In­ter­lude with the Con­fes­sor: Sunk Costs

Chap­ter 77: SA, After­maths: Sur­face Appearances

Chap­ter 78: Ta­boo Trade­offs Pre­lude: Cheating

Chap­ter 79: Ta­boo Trade­offs, Pt 1

Chap­ter 80: Ta­boo Trade­offs, Pt 2, The Horns Effect

Chap­ter 81: Ta­boo Trade­offs, Pt 3

Chap­ter 82: Ta­boo Trade­offs, Final

Chap­ter 83: Ta­boo Trade­offs, After­math 1

Chap­ter 84: Ta­boo Trade­offs, After­math 2

Chap­ter 85: Ta­boo Trade­offs, After­math 3, Distance

5: HJPEV and the Last Enemy

“Is there some amazing rational thing you do when your mind’s running in all different directions?” she managed.

“My own approach is usually to identify the different desires, give them names, conceive of them as separate individuals, and let them argue it out inside my head. So far the main persistent ones are my Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin sides, my Inner Critic, and my simulated copies of you, Neville, Draco, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Quirrell, Dad, Mum, Richard Feynman, and Douglas Hofstadter.”

Hermione considered trying this before her Common Sense warned that it might be a dangerous sort of thing to pretend. “There’s a copy of me inside your head?”

“Of course there is!” Harry said. The boy suddenly looked a bit more vulnerable. “You mean there isn’t a copy of me living in your head?”

There was, she realized; and not only that, it talked in Harry’s exact voice.

Chap­ter 86: Mul­ti­ple Hy­poth­e­sis Testing

Chap­ter 87: He­donic Awareness

Chap­ter 88: Time Pres­sure, Pt 1

Chap­ter 89: Time Pres­sure, Pt 2

Chap­ter 90: Roles, Pt 1

Chap­ter 91: Roles, Pt 2

Chap­ter 92: Roles, Pt 3

Chap­ter 93: Roles, Pt 4

Chap­ter 94: Roles, Pt 5

Chap­ter 95: Roles, Pt 6

Chap­ter 96: Roles, Pt 7

Chap­ter 97: Roles, Pt 8

Chap­ter 98: Roles, Final

Chap­ter 99: Roles, Aftermath

6: HJPEV and the Philoso­pher’s Stone

Harry stared at the bodies and tried to think. There was no time for doubts, for caveats, no brakes or second-guessing just take the first thoughts and run with them

In the back of Harry’s mind, fragments of abstract thought flitted past, heuristics of problem-solving that there was no time to rehearse in words. In wordless flashes they shot past, to set up the object-level problem.

- the first place to look for a problem is whatever aspect of the situation seems most improbable

- simple explanations are more probable, eliminate separate improbabilities that must be postulated -

- what do I notice I am confused by -

Chap­ters 100 − 122

Chap­ter 100: Pre­cau­tion­ary Mea­sures, Pt 1

Chap­ter 101: Pre­cau­tion­ary Mea­sures, Pt 2

Chap­ter 102: Caring

Chap­ter 103: Tests

Chap­ter 104: The Truth, Pt 1, Rid­dles and Answers

Chap­ter 105: The Truth, Pt 2

Chap­ter 106: The Truth, Pt 3

Chap­ter 107: The Truth, Pt 4

Chap­ter 108: The Truth, Pt 5, An­swers and Riddles

Chap­ter 109: Reflections

Chap­ter 110: Reflec­tions, Pt 2

Chap­ter 111: Failure, Pt 1

Chap­ter 112: Failure, Pt 2

Chap­ter 113: Fi­nal Exam

Chap­ter 114: Shut Up and Do The Impossible

Chap­ter 115: Shut Up and Do The Im­pos­si­ble, Pt 2

Chap­ter 116: After­math, Some­thing to Pro­tect, Pt 0

Chap­ter 117: Some­thing to Pro­tect: Min­erva McGonagall

Chap­ter 118: Some­thing to Pro­tect: Pro­fes­sor Quirrell

Chap­ter 119: Some­thing to Pro­tect: Albus Dumbledore

Chap­ter 120: Some­thing to Pro­tect: Draco Malfoy

Chap­ter 121: Some­thing to Pro­tect: Severus Snape

Chap­ter 122: Some­thing to Pro­tect: Hermione Granger